My very talented friend Judith makes the most wonderfully detailed clay models for the tops of cakes or just as a special gift. They are absolutely beautiful and so personal.
Please have a look at her new website called Weddings of Clay and see how fantastic they are for yourself!
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Elements of Art Journaling
Sorry I've not been around for a while. Things have just gotten away from me.
I was lucky enough to sign up from the Elements of Art Journaling e-course run by Effy Wild of Wild Precious Studios when she ran a one day only 'pay what you can afford' day. There was no way my budget could stretch to the original price, but this was I managed to be able to afford it and I am so pleased I did!!
As the description says 'Join Effy on a six week journey through the elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit! Learn new ways to imbue your pages with deeper meaner by developing your own symbolic language!'. I nowhere near that eloquent lol!!
We're half way through week 2 so I thought I would share what I've done so far.
The first week was orientation and preparing our journals for the full course. I used a large Moleskine Cahier. Effy has made videos for us to watch and PDF's to show us various techniques and how she builds up pages. I took her technique and tore up various scrapbook papers and stuck them onto the journal covers after I'd gesso'd them and coloured them with Inktense pencil.
I then went on to make my first page which is the back of the front cover of the journal and the first proper page. This practically a copy of what Effy did. I am determined that this will be the only wholesale copy of Effy's page that I'll do. Its to show the relationship between me and the elements.
This was all over a background of tissue paper, covered by paint, using my fingers to move it around. I LOVE this page!!!
I've also treated myself to some new toe-posts. I just couldn't resist them, especially when they were in the sale!! They are soooo comfy to wear even though they don't look like they will be and so me!
And I've finally given in and I'm waiting for my appointment at Wheelchair Services to be measured for my own set of wheels. The pain in my legs is made soo much worse by walking so, although I can and will still be walking, I'll have a wheelchair for when I need it. Its been a tough decision but I've definitely made the right move and I'm content with it :)
I was lucky enough to sign up from the Elements of Art Journaling e-course run by Effy Wild of Wild Precious Studios when she ran a one day only 'pay what you can afford' day. There was no way my budget could stretch to the original price, but this was I managed to be able to afford it and I am so pleased I did!!
As the description says 'Join Effy on a six week journey through the elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit! Learn new ways to imbue your pages with deeper meaner by developing your own symbolic language!'. I nowhere near that eloquent lol!!
We're half way through week 2 so I thought I would share what I've done so far.
I then stuck 3 pages of the journal together to make a much stronger page to use and gesso'd them. To make the binding on the journal even stronger, Effy suggested tying fibres or ribbon round. I made paper beads out of the same scrapbook paper to use on the ends of the fibres. Carrie has a great tutorial for making these beads here.
And now we're doing 'Earth Week'. Effy suggested that we focus on our relationship with the Earth and a way to do that is focusing on our bodies as that is what connects us to it. Effy kindly gave us a picture of her from the back to use if we were gonna 'art' along with her and copy the page. I didn't want to do that so I took the image, made a stencil out of it with thick acetate and scraped fibre paste through it. I used Carrie's beautiful stamp of the Tree Nymph on tissue paper on the 'body's' back and Rock Crystal Crackle Paint over it to show my broken body.
And I've finally given in and I'm waiting for my appointment at Wheelchair Services to be measured for my own set of wheels. The pain in my legs is made soo much worse by walking so, although I can and will still be walking, I'll have a wheelchair for when I need it. Its been a tough decision but I've definitely made the right move and I'm content with it :)
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