Anyhoo, here are my final two pages. The first is the fire page. For this page Effy told us to art to music. This is not unusual for me, as anyone who knows me will attest to. Then she said to just enjoy ourselves and make a 'hot mess'. Now this is more difficult for me as I'm a perfectionist and messes just don't come easy. So I started with red Ecoline ink and blew it around the pages. Good basis for a messy page....or so I thought.
I then painted Stewart Gill paints in cerise on one page and orange on the other. This is when I realised my mistake. Ecolines are water based and they just ran and mixed with the paint. Ah well...lesson learned. Once I got the pages painted I closed the journal and squished the pages together and it gave a lovely texture. This is where I stopped and thought about the words associated with fire. One of them is anger.
I realised I am ANGRY!!!
The last page is the Spirit Page. This was all about celebrating which virtues we possess now or would like to possess in the future. Again, being British, I struggled to admit what I possess. So my Mam got out the drinks coaster her and my Dad had bought me a few years ago and between us we decided my virtue is inner strength.
I did a search on line for the Goddess of Inner Strength and it kept coming back to Sekhmet, the Egyptian warrior Goddess but she was also the Goddess of healing. As I adore Egypt and everything to do with it she seemed to be an appropriate Goddess for me!
I drew a face using instructions I got from Art, Heart and Healing. Its definitely worth checking as its a FREE course!!! As I liked the face I'd drawn and didn't know if I'd be able to do another one I photocopied it and used the copy for the journal page.
I first dropped spots of Golden Pyrolle Red and Hansa Yellow Medium paint on the pages and smooshed them about with a Speedball brayer. Once they were dry I used the yellow paint on a clear stamp of bubble background and stamped it randomly around. I then added drops of Golden Titan Buff paint and smooshed that with the brayer. It ended up looking almost sandy.
I bought some papers a while ago which feature Egyptian images and used the black one with golden sarcophagi all over it, cut into strips, for her hair and a one with pyramids in neutral colours, with a little more Titan Buff over it, for her dress.
To bring both pages together I sponged Golden Iridescent gold paint over the whole thing.
I used a dipping pen to write the wording. Its the first time I've done this (as you can tell by the big glob of ink on Sekmet's name), and I'm really pleased with the results.
I got the Ankh that I used on her head from a Zuzu, a blog buddy of mine, and coloured it golden with the same gold paint. If you get a chance stop by her blog Zuzu's Petals Altered Art 'n' Stuff. Her work is amazing!!
So there you have it. The Elements of Art Journaling course. It has been a revelation for me to do this course as it has helped to open my eyes to who I am and to make some decisions I would ordinarily have shied away from.
For anyone who would like to do this course it will be available as a Self Study course on Wild Precious Studios. You have to join the Studio but it such a welcoming, nurturing and inspirational place to be part of.