After my relapse I decided to take it easy for a few weeks to get myself pulled together. I finally feel ready to craft again and that was exactly what I was doing yesterday - huddled in my craft room with my new Slanket on, listening to an audio book and getting painty!!
I got 2 craft books for Christmas ( along with a lot of other stuff) from Jo - Surface Treatment Workshop: Explore 45 Mixed Media Techniques and Art at the Speed of Life. The Surface Treatments gave me the kick I needed to start creating again and I started to read the the second one on Christmas Day. For once I am taking notice of what the author is telling me to do to try to save precious time in our crafting habits. So yesterday I created most of a journal page and loads of backgrounds for a journal (or smash book) that I made last winter out of recycled packaging.
First of all I gesso'd the journal page as it had some Krylon ink coming through from the previous page and while my sponge brush was dirty I gesso'd all of the pages of the recycled journal.
You can great texture on the page by pressing the end of the sponge onto the page. The bubbles that come from the sponge stay raised when it dries too!
Next I dripped Golden paints Pthalo Blue (Green Shade) and Pthalo Green (Blue Shade) onto the pages and used a Speedball brayer to roll the colour around and blend it.
The names of these colours always make me smile. Why is the blue, green and the green, blue?? I'm sure there's some rational explanation but I don't really care so much cos I *love* these colours especially together!
I wanted a complete contrast to the image I'd chosen for the page. Its a picture of Dita von Teese from one of those glossy magazines a neighbour gives to my Mam and I rip up!
For anyone who doesn't know who she is, she's a Burlesque dancer and if I was fit and well, I'd love to try Burlesque.
The gold on the outside of the page is Golden paints Irridecent Gold (fine) and is sponged through small hole sequin waste.
The page isn't finished yet and I'm sure how its gonna end up, but I love it so far!
And I'm intending to keep my baby wipes and use them in art too. Here are my first 3!
So here's to a new Year that is Happy, Healthy and Crafty for all of us!!