Not too long ago I passed the YMCA charity shop in my local town and they had a frame in the window for £2. It was one of those awful ones (apologies to anyone who has one and loves it) that people used to have in their bathrooms. It had a wooden frame behind the glass that was used as shelves to have tiny bales of towels and toilet rolls on. It was a bit like a miniature version of a bathroom.
When I asked to see it, the guy in the shop showed it to me like a fine bottle of wine. You shoulda seen his face when I told him I wasn't bothered about the front, but turned it over to look at the back to see if I could take it to bits. Once we got home, my Mam and I wasted no time in ripping into it. My Mam had to get a screwdriver to the glue under the little ornaments to prise them loose. Far to dangerous in my hands!!
I'm gutted I didn't take a photo of it in its pre-enhanced state!
I painted the wooden frame insert with silver Stewart Gill paint as I wanted it to show off what was in the compartments not fight against them.
I had a bought a miniature Eiffel Tower for 50p in the infamous ex-catalogue shop where I got the mannequins. I decided the turn the wooden frame so the 'shelves' were vertical and placed the little tower in one of the compartments. I then borrowed Jo's Paris Postcard stamp plate by Elusive Images part of Graphicus and stamped the cathedral onto acetate before putting variegated metal leaf behind it. I bent it to fit into the other compartment.
Once I had assembled the frame I had to tape the back board to the wooden frame insert and use silicone glue to glue the insert to the larger frame. It took an awful lot doing, strength not being my 'strong' point (LOL!!!) and then I had to leave this overnight to dry.
And this is the completed frame. Sorry the photo's not great but glass tends to reflect!!
It looks really gorgeous with light shining on it (even if I do say so myself LOL!!!)